/* Copyright (c) 2003-2015, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license */ var editorCKE; jQuery(document).ready(function () { ckeditorSettings.configuration['on'] = { configLoaded : function ( evt ) { if (typeof(ckeditorSettings.externalPlugins) != 'undefined') { var externals=new Array(); for (var x in ckeditorSettings.externalPlugins) { CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal(x, ckeditorSettings.externalPlugins[x]); externals.push(x); } } evt.editor.config.extraPlugins += (evt.editor.config.extraPlugins ? ','+externals.join(',') : externals.join(',')); if (evt.editor.config.toolbar && evt.editor.config[evt.editor.config.toolbar +'_removeButtons']); evt.editor.config.removeButtons = evt.editor.config[evt.editor.config.toolbar +'_removeButtons']; CKEDITOR.addCss(evt.editor.config.extraCss); } }; CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceReady', function( ev ) { var dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd; for ( var e in CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, dtd.$nonBodyContent, dtd.$block, dtd.$listItem, dtd.$tableContent ) ) { ev.editor.dataProcessor.writer.setRules( e, ckeditorSettings.outputFormat); } ev.editor.dataProcessor.writer.setRules( 'br', { breakAfterOpen : true }); ev.editor.dataProcessor.writer.setRules( 'pre', { indent: false }); editorCKE = CKEDITOR.instances['content']; }); if (ckeditorSettings.textarea_id != 'comment'){ edInsertContentOld = function () { return ; }; if(typeof(window.edInsertContent) != 'undefined'){ edInsertContentOld = window.edInsertContent; } window.edInsertContent = function (myField, myValue) { if(typeof(CKEDITOR) != 'undefined' && typeof(editorCKE) != 'undefined'){ editorCKE.insertHtml(myValue); } else { edInsertContentOld(myField, myValue); } }; var autosaveOld = function () { return ; }; if(typeof(window.autosave) != 'undefined'){ autosaveOld = window.autosave; } if(typeof(window.switchEditors) != 'undefined') { window.switchEditors.go = function(id, mode) { if ('tinymce' == mode || 'tmce' == mode) { jQuery('#'+id).closest('.html-active').removeClass('html-active').addClass('tmce-active'); ckeditorOn(id); } else { jQuery('#'+id).closest('.tmce-active').removeClass('tmce-active').addClass('html-active'); ckeditorOff(id); jQuery('.js .theEditor').attr('style', 'color: black;'); } }; window.switchEditors.switchto = function(elm) { var id = jQuery('#'+elm.id).closest('.wp-editor-wrap').find('textarea').attr('id'); return window.switchEditors.go(id, elm.id.replace('content-', '')); } } } //if qTranslate plugin enabled if ( ckeditorSettings.qtransEnabled ){ //custom version of switchEditors function when qTranslate plugin is enabled if(typeof(window.switchEditors) != 'undefined') { window.switchEditors.go = function(id, lang) { id = id || 'content'; lang = lang || 'toggle'; if ( 'toggle' == lang ) { if ( ed && !ed.isHidden() ) lang = 'html'; else lang = 'tmce'; } else if( 'tinymce' == lang ) lang = 'tmce'; var inst = tinyMCE.get('qtrans_textarea_' + id); var vta = document.getElementById('qtrans_textarea_' + id); var ta = document.getElementById(id); var wrap_id = 'wp-'+id+'-wrap'; // update merged content if(inst && ! inst.isHidden()) { tinyMCE.triggerSave(); } else { qtrans_save(vta.value); } // check if language is already active if(lang!='tmce' && lang!='html' && document.getElementById('qtrans_select_'+lang).className=='wp-switch-editor switch-tmce switch-html') { return; } if(lang!='tmce' && lang!='html') { document.getElementById('qtrans_select_'+qtrans_get_active_language()).className='wp-switch-editor'; document.getElementById('qtrans_select_'+lang).className='wp-switch-editor switch-tmce switch-html'; } if(lang=='html') { if ( inst && inst.isHidden() ) return false; if ( inst ) { vta.style.height = inst.getContentAreaContainer().offsetHeight + 20 + 'px'; inst.hide(); } jQuery("#"+wrap_id).removeClass('tmce-active'); jQuery("#"+wrap_id).addClass('html-active'); setUserSetting( 'editor', 'html' ); } else if(lang=='tmce') { if(inst && ! inst.isHidden()) return false; if ( tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit[id] && tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit[id].wpautop ) vta.value = this.wpautop(qtrans_use(qtrans_get_active_language(),ta.value)); if (inst) { inst.show(); } else { qtrans_hook_on_tinyMCE(id); } jQuery("#"+wrap_id).removeClass('html-active'); jQuery("#"+wrap_id).addClass('tmce-active'); setUserSetting('editor', 'tinymce'); } else { // switch content qtrans_assign('qtrans_textarea_'+id,qtrans_use(lang,ta.value)); } } window.switchEditors.switchto = function(elm) { var id = jQuery('#'+elm.id).closest('.wp-editor-wrap').find('textarea').attr('id'); return window.switchEditors.go(id, elm.id.replace('content-', '')); } } jQuery('#edButtonHTML').addClass('active'); jQuery('#edButtonPreview').removeClass('active'); if(ckeditorSettings.textarea_id != 'comment'){ ckeditorSettings.textarea_id = 'qtrans_textarea_content'; ckeditorSettings.configuration['on'].getData = function (evt) { evt.data.dataValue = evt.data.dataValue.replace(/(^<\/p>)|(

$)/g, ''); evt.data.dataValue = evt.data.dataValue.replace(/^


/g, '

'); evt.data.dataValue = evt.data.dataValue.replace(/<\/p>(\s|\n|\r)*<\/p>(\s|\n|\r)*$/g, '<\/p>'); qtrans_save(evt.data.dataValue); }; if ( jQuery('#'+ckeditorSettings.textarea_id).length && typeof CKEDITOR.instances[ckeditorSettings.textarea_id] == 'undefined' ) { CKEDITOR.replace(ckeditorSettings.textarea_id, ckeditorSettings.configuration); editorCKE = CKEDITOR.instances[ckeditorSettings.textarea_id]; //add afterCommandExec exect to last created CKEditor instance editorCKE.on( 'afterCommandExec', function(ev) { afterCommandEvent(ev); }); } window.tinyMCE = tinymce = getTinyMCEObject(); } }else { if(ckeditorSettings.autostart && (typeof getUserSetting == 'undefined' || getUserSetting('editor') === '' || getUserSetting('editor') == 'tinymce')){ ckeditorOn(); } } jQuery("#update-gallery").click(function(){ updateCkeGallery(); }); if (ckeditorSettings.excerpt_state && jQuery("textarea#excerpt").length > 0 && jQuery("#postexcerpt-hide").attr('checked') == 'checked') { //ckeditorOn('excerpt'); CKEDITOR.replace('excerpt', ckeditorSettings.configuration); } if (typeof window.tinyMCE != 'undefined') { if (typeof QTags != 'undefined') { jQuery(".row-actions span.reply a").on('click', function(){ if (typeof CKEDITOR.instances['replycontent'] != 'undefined') { ckeditorOff('replycontent'); } CKEDITOR.replace('replycontent', {'basicEntities' : false, 'entities': false,'toolbar_Comments' : [{ name: 'basicstyles', items : [ 'Bold','Italic','Underline'] }, { name: 'links', items : [ 'Link','Unlink' ] },{ name: 'paragraph', items : [ 'NumberedList','BulletedList'] }, { name: 'insert', items : [ 'Image' ] } ], 'toolbar' : 'Comments'}); }); jQuery("#replyrow a.save").unbind('click').on('click', function(){ var data = null; if (typeof CKEDITOR.instances['replycontent'] != 'undefined') { data = CKEDITOR.instances['replycontent'].getData(); } if (data != null && data.length > 0 ) { jQuery('textarea#replycontent').html(data); ckeditorOff('replycontent'); } commentReply.send(); return; }); jQuery("#replyrow a.cancel").unbind('click').on('click', function(){ commentReply.revert() ckeditorOff('replycontent'); return; }); QTags.getInstance = function (editor_id) { return window.tinyMCE; } } } }); function ckeditorOn(id) { var instance; if (typeof(id) != 'undefined' && typeof(CKEDITOR.instances[id]) == 'undefined' ) { setUserSetting( 'editor', 'tinymce' ); jQuery('#quicktags').hide(); jQuery('#edButtonPreview').addClass('active'); jQuery('#edButtonHTML').removeClass('active'); instance = CKEDITOR.replace(id, ckeditorSettings.configuration); } if ( jQuery('textarea#'+ckeditorSettings.textarea_id).length && (typeof(CKEDITOR.instances) == 'undefined' || typeof(CKEDITOR.instances[ckeditorSettings.textarea_id]) == 'undefined' ) && jQuery("#"+ckeditorSettings.textarea_id).parent().parent().attr('id') != 'quick-press') { instance = CKEDITOR.replace(ckeditorSettings.textarea_id, ckeditorSettings.configuration); if(ckeditorSettings.textarea_id == 'content') { setUserSetting( 'editor', 'tinymce' ); jQuery('#quicktags').hide(); jQuery('#edButtonPreview').addClass('active'); jQuery('#edButtonHTML').removeClass('active'); } else if(ckeditorSettings.textarea_id == 'comment') { var labelObj = jQuery('#'+ckeditorSettings.textarea_id).prev('label'); if (labelObj){ labelObj.hide(); } } } if (typeof(instance) != 'undefined') { //add afterCommandExec exect to last created CKEditor instance instance.on( 'afterCommandExec', function(ev) { afterCommandEvent(ev); }); } } function ckeditorOff(id) { if (typeof(id) != 'undefined' && typeof(CKEDITOR.instances[id]) != 'undefined') { editorCKE = CKEDITOR.instances[id]; }else { editorCKE = CKEDITOR.instances[ckeditorSettings.textarea_id]; } if(typeof(editorCKE) != 'undefined'){ editorCKE.destroy(); if(ckeditorSettings.textarea_id == 'content') { setUserSetting( 'editor', 'html' ); jQuery('#quicktags').show(); jQuery('#edButtonHTML').addClass('active'); jQuery('#edButtonPreview').removeClass('active'); } } } if ( !ckeditorSettings.qtransEnabled ){ var tinymce = window.tinyMCE = getTinyMCEObject(); } function getTinyMCEObject() { var tinymce = window.tinyMCE = (function () { var tinyMCE = { isOpera : function() { return CKEDITOR.env.opera; }, onAddEditor : { add : function() { // this function did nothing else apart from resizing TinyMCE } }, get : function (id) { var instant = { isHidden : function (){ editor = CKEDITOR.instances[id]; if (typeof editorCKE == 'undefined') editorCKE = editor; if(typeof(editor) != 'undefined') { return false; }else{ return true; } }, isDirty : function (){ return false; }, execCommand : function (command, integer, val) { if(command == 'mceSetContent') { editorCKE.setData(val); } if (command == 'mceInsertContent') { editorCKE.insertHtml(val); } }, onSaveContent : { add : function (func) { window.tinymceosc = func; } }, on : function(action, callback){ return callback(); }, getContentAreaContainer : function () { return { offsetHeight : editorCKE.config.height }; }, hide : function () { ckeditorOff(id); }, show : function () { ckeditorOn(id); }, save : function(){ return; }, focus : function(){ return; }, plugins: {} }; return instant; }, execCommand : function (command, integer, val) { if(command == 'mceAddControl'){ ckeditorSettings.textarea_id = val; if(ckeditorSettings.autostart) { ckeditorOn(); } else { document.getElementById('qtrans_textarea_content').removeAttribute('style'); } } }, triggerSave : function(param) { if(typeof(CKEDITOR) != 'undefined' && typeof(editorCKE) != 'undefined') editorCKE.updateElement(); }, activeEditor : { isHidden : function (){ return false; }, isDirty : function (){ return false; }, focus : function (){ return; }, plugins : {}, execCommand : function(command, state, text) { if (command == "mceInsertContent") { //test if image has caption and make necessary text format pattern = /\[caption(.*)\]<.*>(.*)\[\/caption\]/i; if (pattern.test(text)) { replace_match = pattern.exec(text); text = text.replace(//g, function( match, cont ) { cont = cont.replace(/class="(.*)"/g, function( match, cont ){ tmp = 'class="' + cont + ' wp-caption"'; return tmp; }); tmp = '' ; return tmp; }); } //setTimeout is required in IE8 when inserting Image gallery from an external modal dialog if (typeof editorCKE == 'undefined') editorCKE = CKEDITOR.instances[ckeditorSettings.textarea_id]; setTimeout(function(){ editorCKE.insertHtml(text); }, 0); } }, selection : { getBookmark : function(name) { return ''; } }, windowManager : { bookmark: {} } }, EditorManager :{ activeEditor: { selection : { getNode : function(){ var obj = jQuery(editorCKE.document.getBody().getHtml()); var index = 0; jQuery.each(obj,function(i, val){ var images = jQuery("img",jQuery(val)); jQuery.each(images, function(key, value){ if (jQuery(value).hasClass('wpGallery, cke_wpgallery')) { index = i; return; } }); }); if (obj.length === 0) { obj = document.createElement("p"); return obj; } return obj[index]; }, getBookmark : function(name) { return ; } }, dom :{ select : function(selector) { //get CKEditor content var obj = editorCKE.document.getBody().getHtml(); images = editorCKE.document.getElementsByTag('img'); if ( typeof images.$ == 'undefined' || images.$.length == 0) return []; for (var i in images.$) { if ( typeof images.$[i] != 'undefined' && ((CKEDITOR.env.ie && images.$[i].className == 'wpGallery, cke_wpgallery') || images.$[i].classList == 'wpGallery, cke_wpgallery')) { var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(images.$[i]); index = i; break; } } var results =[]; if (typeof element != 'undefined') { results[0] = images.$[index]; return results; }else { return []; } }, getAttrib : function(el, selector) { return jQuery(el).attr(selector); }, //function to set new gallery attributes setAttrib : function(el, selector, value) { //get CKEditor content var obj = editorCKE.document.getBody().getHtml(); images = editorCKE.document.getElementsByTag('img'); for (var i in images.$) { if ( typeof images.$[i] != 'undefined' && ((CKEDITOR.env.ie && images.$[i].className == 'wpGallery, cke_wpgallery') || images.$[i].classList == 'wpGallery, cke_wpgallery')) { var element = new CKEDITOR.dom.element(images.$[i]); element.setAttribute('title', value); element.setAttribute('data-gallery', '['+value+']'); } } }, decode : function(text) { return text; }, hasClass : function(element, name) { var hasClass = jQuery(element).attr('class'); var pattern = /wpGallery/; return pattern.test(hasClass); } } }, get : function(id) {return;} }, DOM :{ removeClass : function(id, className) {return;}, addClass : function(id, className) {return;} }, addI18n : function(language, param){ return ; }, $ : function () { return { on: function (name, callback) { return; } } } }; return tinyMCE; })(); return tinymce; } var tinyMCEPreInit = { mceInit : function(){ language : 'en'; } }; var tinyMCEPopup = { onInit : { add : function() {return ;} }, editor : { windowManager : { createInstance : function(id) {return; } } } }; /* * Function to move cursor after fake gallery image. Turn on frame show */ function updateCkeGallery() { jQuery("#add_image").unbind('click'); jQuery("#add_image").bind('click',function(){ return true; }); } function afterCommandEvent(ev) { if (ev.data.name != 'maximize') { return; } //if maximize button was clicked hide/show WP admin bar - prevention of hiding buttton under WP admin bar if (ev.data.command.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON) { jQuery("#wpadminbar").hide() } else { jQuery("#wpadminbar").show() } }